living in your truth.

Living  in your truth simply means to do things that make you happy by being  the most authentic version of yourself.  You will never make it to  authenticity if you are afraid  to face your fears.

Below are tips to assist you in being the best version of yourself!

  1. Fall  in love with your fears. Sometimes the very things that scare us will  ultimately lead us to the life that you desire to live
  2. Live by your morals and values. Our morals and values help us in being able to be free.
  3. Let  your Nay be Nay and your Yea be Yea. In other words its ok to do what  is best for you! Everyone may not like your life’s decisions, but as  long as it’s positive and not harming yourself or others, do you!
  4. Be  intentional about You! Yes, make yourself a priority, because guess  what? You matter and you deserve to be happy. Be intentional about your  goals, visions, hopes, dreams, relationships,etc.
  5. Set boundaries! Boundaries allow us to respect ourselves while showing people how to respect us in return

It is my hope that you will take hold to these tips so that you can unapologetically live life!
